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Episode Studies by Clayton Barr


The Perils of Quadrant X
Lost in Space: The New Journeys Book 3
Written by J.J. Gardner

(Page numbers come from the 1st printing, September 1998)

The Jupiter 2 emerges from a hyperspace jump and the crew spots a familiar constellation...will this help them plot a course home?


Read the brief story summary at Lost In Space Movie Timeline


Notes from the Lost in Space chronology


On page 23, Maureen runs the Protector's alien voice through the ship's universal translator. This suggests that this story takes place some time after The Vault, where it is revealed that language translator technology was acquired "a couple planets back".


Didja Know?


Lost in Space: The New Journeys was a series of six books for young readers, published by Scholastic.


Didja Notice?


Page 1 reveals that Will misses his hometown baseball team the Houston Astros, his favorite cloned rock band the Replicated Eugenics, and the nutritionally balanced candy Chocolate Nutrinos. The name "Chocolate Nutrinos" is derived from the occasional use by scientists to describe the three "flavors" (or types) of neutrinos found in the universe: vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry substituted for electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos, and tau neutrinos.


This book reveals that the Jupiter 2 has a Solarium with a hydroponic garden on the top level of the ship. There, the Robinsons grow fruits and vegetables for consumption.


Page 2 states that hyperdrive leaps are scheduled regularly by John as the ship picks its way through the galaxy in search of home. It is also stated that the hyperdrive can leap the ship billions of light years across space. It's not clear whether John has ever programmed such a jump, as that would most definitely take the ship out of our Milky Way galaxy; the Milky Way is only about 100,000 light years in diameter. The size of the universe itself is not known but has been observed to only a radius of about 46 billion light years so far.


Page 3 describes the Jupiter 2 as saucer-shaped. This is more of a description of the ship from the original TV series. The movie version of the ship is more like a semi-flattened oval.


On page 4, Will remarks on Galileo's discovery of certain stars in the Milky Way. This occurred in 1610, with the use by Galileo of his improved design of the telescope.


Page 8 describes Blarp as an alien creature rescued by Penny from another dimension. That's not really true, as Blarp was simply rescued from a time about 10 years in the future from that which the Jupiter 2 originated (and in which the ship is still seemingly still trapped, based on the events of Lost in Space).


Page 10 explains that the Jupiter 2's hyperdrive warps space to make its immense leaps. It also distorts time so that the trip might take seconds, minutes, or hours.


On page 13, the ship's computer calculates with 93% certainty that the star formation that Will calls the Electric Guitar is within the constellation known on Earth as Taurus, one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.


On page 14, Don suggests the possibility of stuffing Dr. Smith into the space pod and jettisoning him off into space. The Pod was used in the TV series as a small lunar-module-type spaceship for taking shorter jaunts in space away from the Jupiter 2. Don had reported it as scrap metal after the Jupiter 2 crashed on the planet in Lost in Space. Did the crew somehow repair or rebuild the Pod?


Page 17 reveals that it can take several weeks to regenerate the ship's hyperdrive core material after some jumps. How the core material is regenerated is not explained.


Page 18 reveals that John, as captain of the ship, has insisted that members of the crew, including Dr. Smith, sit together at the galley at mealtimes.


Looking up from her data readout on the bridge, Maureen announces that the electromagnetic properties of the energy ring through which the ship is passing are non-nucleonic. Essentially, she means they are not radioactive.


On page 29, with the ship having entered the energy ring, Penny laments that no planets are visible. Will admonishes her that because the ring is so large, they are probably a half million miles from the nearest planet. But a half million miles is pretty close in astrological terms and if there were a planet of any size at all at that distance, it should be visible.


Now the captain of the Jupiter 2, and deciding to search for the other vanished crewmembers, Will turns to the viewport on page 34 and directs Penny to head the ship "Thata-way..." This may be a reference to Admiral Kirk directing the Enterprise's navigator to head the ship, "Out there. Thataway," at the end of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


Penny and the Robot use jet packs on page 53. Jet packs were occasionally seen in the original TV series and also in Robotworld.


Page 71 suggests that the Jupiter 2 records what happens around it with on board cameras when the crew is away, for later review by crewmembers, usually Penny. This may be why Penny's station on the ship is referred to as Video Mechanics in Promised Land.


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